I couldn't help but snap a picture of the crocuses trying to bloom in my front yard. Don't you just love the signs of spring all over? So, to celebrate the coming of spring, leave a comment on this post and you'll enter yourself in a drawing for a QPL gift! Leave your comment by 8:00 PST on Sunday night; I'll announce the winner by Monday morning.
How I long for tulips and Crocuses!!! We've got another good month of winter ahead... Quilt fabric with flowers is as close as I'll get to the real thing a while yet!! Thanks for sharing..
Penny Brown Lot's of wind and still chilly. My crocuses are up but not blooming yet.Some other bulbs are showing, not sure what they are though. Hurry up spring!
I love crocuses! Put my name in the drawing, Mom!
It's fun to see the crocuses and yellow truly means spring is on its way!
I want my name in the drawing! We still have snow on the ground!!
How I long for tulips and Crocuses!!! We've got another good month of winter ahead... Quilt fabric with flowers is as close as I'll get to the real thing a while yet!! Thanks for sharing..
Wish we had some crocus up here! I think we may have snow by Thursday! Your retreat sounds so tempting....SO tempting....
YAY! Spring is coming. Your blog is great. And put my name in the drawing, too! Love this picture.
Such a gorgeous color! Mine are poking through, but no blooms yet.
ahh the promise of spring is around the corner. Walk thru my beds talking to all the babies letting them know it's time to wake up. Edee
Lovely flowers. Looking forward to seeing your shop at the Tri-City quilt show! I'd like to win those charms!
Penny Brown
Lot's of wind and still chilly. My crocuses are up but not blooming yet.Some other bulbs are showing, not sure what they are though. Hurry up spring!
Still cool and windy in Ohio. Crocuses starting to pop no blooms yet. I sure would like that jelly roll!
The crocuses are wonderful,so are you and your shop.
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