I was listening to the weather report today and then went to the kitchen to double check that it was really April 20th. As I peered outside, still hoping I had been watching a recording, I was greeted with white fluff all over my hyacinths. My poor, poor hyacinths...
I assume that I am not alone in my desire for Spring to really be here!
So, leave a comment on this post between now and Sunday, April 24th and be entered into a drawing for these cute "Fresh Flowers"...
Happy Spring...
I'm in Kansas, and we THOUGHT we had finally been 'sprung' into spring!
But, no....
We've had a bit of weather whiplash.
From COLD 30s and 40s to 91 degrees one day, to 70, back down to the 40s again.
Palm Sunday's outdoor parade at church was perfect weather for our choristers, who got to wear their long vestments! [smile]
And, now it is cold and rainy. After a trip to the nursery on Monday, in semi-cool weather, we're READY for spring and summer-like temperatures to plant our flowers and vegetables.
I could use a lively set of SPRING FLOWERS [smile] to brighten my gray days!
~Sharon Hettinger
I liked the flowers in the Snow.
We must be thankful we can see the snow as some can not even see the Sunshine.
S Schmidt
No snow here but it is rainy and cold. I would love some fresh flowers!
I live in the Inland Northwest and we had the same thing! The poor flowers are trying. Maybe this weekend, when it hits 60 (maybe).
I quess we have more time indoors quilting!!!!!
I want summer so bad.....Fresh Flowers to make a Spring Quilt, could make that happen. Thanks for your great site. De
As ready as I am for warmer weather, the picture of your hyacinths is so refreshing. The lavender flower and green leaves against the white snow sure would make a beautiful quilt.
A chance to win??? I'm in. I can to relate to the spring flowers in the snow. My tulips were surrounded at the beginning of the week. Will spring as we would like it ever get here?
Love your newsletters and can't wait to try this recipe!
There is snow at my house, too. That's spring in the northwest for you!
Happy Spring and Happy Easter!
...and that's not snow! It's fairy dust!!! :)
Good thing the Easter bunny has fur.....Have a good one.
Beautiful flowers in the snow, but looking forward to some real Spring!
Someone called and wished me Merry Chritstmas this morning instead of Happy Easter! This year The Easter Bunny will have to come hopping on snow shoes I think! Anyway, Happy Easter everyone! Julie Carman
We are very tired of cold, rain & hail, clouds, etc. here in Western WA as well! "Fresh Flowers" is so cheerful, thanks for the pick-me-up!
In Wisconsin, too, we are "sew" ready for Spring! "Fresh Flowers" would be welcomed! Happy easter
So sorry about the snow. My spring flowers are blooming too. I'd love a charm pack of flowers to make a new quilt with. Spring is coming!!!
Oh my goodness, here it is April 21 and it's been snowing all day....I'm thinking we will be having a snow ball fight instead of hunting Easter eggs on Easter Sunday.
Spring, Spring, wherefore art though elusive Spring? Oh well, at least there are flowered fabrics to make our hearts sing!
Spring, Spring, wherefore art thou oh elusive Spring? Oh well, at least there are flowered fabrics to make our hearts sing!
Beautiful picture! My hyacinths are long gone and we're enjoying almost summertime temps. Wish you were also!
Pretty flowers peeking out from their cold blanket! Thanks for the giveaway!
After a summer of rain & flood devastation, I'm looking forward to our winter..(Qld Australia) however, we don't get snow to cover beautiful flowers like yours!!
Ah, spring in Spokane (sigh) Gotta love it--at least the flowers are starting to bloom :D
I am so sorry you had the snow. Today for us was the first day of actual warm strong sun after many months of rain rain rain. As for the flowers I wish for more heat so that they will appear and open up wide. LOL...
It finally feels like spring here in VA! I'm loving the green grass and pretty flowers!
Tired of snow, rain, clouds, & cold weather..........SO READY FOR HOT, SUN, & DRY WEATHER!! I am a SUMMER person. The colors in the Fresh Flowers are just what I need!!Terri Hume.
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